Free College Courses For Early Educators in Massachusetts

Free College Courses For Early Educators in Massachusetts

Below are free courses for early educators in Massachusetts

This is the course request form to fill out if you are interested and below is the course information sent from Career pathways :

EDU 100: Introduction to Early Childhood Education: This course will explore major aspects of teaching and learning. Intended to help students decide if they wish to pursue a career in Early Education and Care (EEC), the course integrates readings, class discussions, and other media to explore the world of EEC. Course topics provide an overview of the historical and theoretical foundations of education with an examination of issues related to educators and students involved in EEC. Included will be discussions around diversity, equity, socioeconomics, gender, race, ethnicity, special education distinctions, and the changing standards for future educators, ethics, and technology. Prerequisite: Eligible for ENG 101 *CDA track course* this accelerated course meets online September 6-October 26th.

EDU 122: Child Growth and Development: This course provides a chronological overview of the theory and principles of child growth and development from conception through adolescence, with an emphasis on the period from birth through age eight, exploring the interrelationships between theory, research, and practice. Development is studied in the contexts of family, gender, culture, language, socioeconomics, diversity, and society. This course is especially designed for students interested in pursuing course work or careers in education, health or human services fields. Prerequisite: Eligible for ENG 101. * (This course is for students interested in earning their CDA and/or contributes to EEC Teacher Certification) *CDA track course*
This class is being offered online from September 6- December 23, 2022 or *Hyflex option: Thursdays from 6:30-8:30pm on campus: Students may choose to attend class in-person or virtually during the mandatory meeting times. Other instruction will occur online. Instructors will provide further information, or September 6-October 26 100% online.

EDU 101: Curriculum in Early Childhood Programs: This course provides a study of the fundamentals of developmentally appropriate curriculum design and implementation in Early Education and Care programs. This course focuses on relationships among developmental theory, philosophy, practice, and development of curriculum based on the needs and interests of young children including those who are culturally, linguistically, and ability diverse. Students will design experiences and learning environments that are mindful of the “whole child” and individual differences in development. *Contributes to EEC LT Certification* Prerequisite: Completion of Child Growth and Development with a C- or better. This class meets Tuesday evenings from 6:00 pm - 9:10 pm from September 26-December 23 in a Hyflex modality: Students may choose to attend class in-person or virtually during the mandatory meeting times. Other instruction will occur online. Instructors will provide further information.

EDU 103: Infant and Toddler Care and Programming: An examination of the stages of infant and toddler development, developmentally appropriate practice and major influences on development, including the roles and responsibilities of parents and caregivers in creating high quality, supportive environments. The elements of designing environments and experiences to enhance growth and development will be discussed. *Contributes to EEC LT I/T Certification* Prerequisite: Completion of PSY 122 or EDU 122 with a C- or better. This accelerated section runs 9/6/22 - 10/26/22 100% online.

EDU 104: Exceptional Learners: This course will be a study of children (birth through age 16) with physical, social, emotional, and/or intellectual exceptions, with an emphasis on techniques for inclusion of children into early childhood and elementary school programs. This course offers an introduction to a broad range of developmental exceptionalities and related topics, including categories of cognitive, physical, emotional, and learning delays. Topics include the history of special education, impacts on families, current and future trends, early intervention, transition, and the laws which govern the integration of children and adults in society. This class meets online September 6-December 23.

EDU 153: Planning Program Environments for Children: An exploration of the theory and methods of designing, implementing and maintaining balanced age-appropriate comprehensive programs in various Early Education and Care settings. Topic include balancing the needs of children both individually and in groups, specific cognitive and affective curriculum areas and curriculum models, communication and involvement with families, staff, and community, the physical learning environment, and the importance of play. **This class must be taken with IDS 123 A30 (ECE Field Placement). *Contributes to EEC LT Certification* Prerequisite: Completion of PSY 122 or EDU 122 with a C- or better and completion of EDU 101 with a C- or better. *Hybrid section: this class meets on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 pm from September 6-December 23 on campus- Students may choose to attend class in-person or virtually during the mandatory meeting times. Other instruction will occur online. Instructors will provide further information.

EDU 252: Administration of Child Care Programs: A survey of topics essential to the planning and administration of quality Early Education and Care programs. Licensure, fiscal management, staffing, training, parent involvement, facilities, equipment, advisory boards, and community resources, as well as meeting the diverse needs of children and families will be discussed. *This course contributes to EEC Director I Certification* Prerequisite: Completion of Child Growth and Development with a C- or better; and completion of EDU 101 and EDU 153 both with a C- or better. *Hybrid section: this class meets on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 pm from September 6-October 26 on campus- Students may choose to attend class in-person or virtually during the mandatory meeting times. Other instruction will occur online. Instructors will provide further information.

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