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Common Start Coalition is participating in the “What is the future of women at work?” event on June 15, 2022

The Common Start Coalition recently made the following announcment via email regarding the “What is the future of women at work?” event on June 15, 2022:

Common Start Coalition is participating in this event tonight sponsored by our partner and Steering Committee member MCSW-Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women. Sen. Jason Lewis will provide the keynote speech. I'm sending you this email because the Northeast Chapter and Greater Boston chapters are within the geographic area of MCSW's middlesex region. Please join us if you can. Best, Anna, Common Start NE MA Chapter Coordinator

We invite you to join and publicize our virtual learning and hearing event, “What is the future of women at work?” on June 15, 2022, from 6 pm to 8 pm. This event is co-sponsored by the Upper Middlesex Commission on the Status of Women (UMCSW), YW Malden, Women's Bar Association and the CommonStart Coalition.

At this townhall, we will examine the implications of CommonStart and Protected at Work as well as findings from the State Commission’s recent reports on working women. We will gather community input to supplement the findings and recommendations, and other issues of concern.

We hope this is the beginning of regional conversations that will continue to reset our expectations and together, reimagine how our lives and communities can thrive, while repairing the harms that have always existed but revealed by the pandemic and more.

We need you and your community to tell us: What does a vibrant future for women look like? What programs and policies would it take to get there? Who do we need to hear from?

Register here via Eventbrite. And please spread the word. We look forward to sharing and listening with you.”