Hosmer School Kindergarteners Map Making Skills Displayed

Hosmer School Kindergarteners Map Making Skills Displayed

Understanding how maps work and learning how to make them is an underrated skill for young children to learn. A quote from a PBS article helps explain why “Understanding maps is also freeing, says Dr. Julie Dillemuth, children’s author and spatial cognition expert: “When you look at maps, you are building a mental map. Mental maps are really important because it gives you freedom to navigate where you want to go” in face of inevitable detours, roadblocks, and GPS errors.” That is why I when I attended a recent Watertown Visioning Forum at The Hosmer School, I was heartened to see a display of kindergarteners’ map making projects. See some photos from their hard work and great projects below.  

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Common Start Coalition is participating in the “What is the future of women at work?” event on June 15, 2022

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