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Cambridge/Somerville, Chelsea/Revere, Lawrence, and Worcester WIC Programs Win USDA Breastfeeding Award of Excellence in 2021

 The cities of Cambridge/Somerville, Chelsea/Revere, Lawrence, and Worcester WIC Programs won the USDA Breastfeeding Award of Excellence in 2021

Each year the Food and Nutrition Service, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children announces the WIC Breastfeeding Award of Excellence program, formerly known as the Loving Support Award of Excellence. The award program was established to recognize local WIC agencies that have provided exemplary breastfeeding promotion and support activities. The intent is to provide models and motivate other local agencies to strengthen their breastfeeding promotion and support activities and ultimately increase breastfeeding initiation and duration rates among WIC participants.

You can watch a video of the awards being given out below.