Free Online Event: Seeing the Forest AND the Trees: Diagnostic Complexities for Autism in the Age of DSM-5

Free Online Event: Seeing the Forest AND the Trees: Diagnostic Complexities for Autism in the Age of DSM-5

The The Center of Excellence on Autism Spectrum Disorders at Southern Connecticut State University is holding a series of lectures and events related to the science of autism. The first one is called “ Seeing the Forest AND the Trees: Diagnostic Complexities for Autism in the Age of DSM-5” and it features Fred R Volkmar MD from Yale. Volkmar has authored and co-authored a number of important articles related to autism research including

“Limited attentional bias for faces in toddlers with autism spectrum disorders”

Social skills interventions for individuals with autism: evaluation for evidence-based practices within a best evidence synthesis framework

You can watch Volkar’s lecture an Introduction to Autism below

Prof. Fred Volkmar introduces the Yale College Autism Seminar and provides a general overview of autism and related disorders and what the course will cover.
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