A Modest Proposal For The Current  Child Care Crisis: Turn Golf Courses Into Child Care Centers

A Modest Proposal For The Current Child Care Crisis: Turn Golf Courses Into Child Care Centers

One of the biggest challenges to opening up the economy is going to be lack of child care. This is especially hard given children don’t really social distance. Moreover, being inside in areas that are not well ventilated can spread Coronavirus faster. Conversely, fresh air and sunshine is good for not getting Coronavirus as long as you avoid people and wear masks.

There are places with a lot of space that are opening up; golf courses are starting to open up across the country.
Here is a modest proposal, let’s just let all the children run around golf courses all summer. Sand traps can become sand boxes and water traps can become splash pools. Make soap and hand sanitizer readily available along with snack stands filled with fruits and crackers. Moreover, golfers themselves can work as early educators and child care workers helping do everything from reading Llama Llama Red Pajama to changing diapers and teaching important working on social and emotional skills. As the majority of PGA of America members are well off white men and the vast majority of people in early education and care are women who are paid low wages this program would increase the socioeconomic, racial, and gender diversity of the people who take care of young children.

A solution to the current COVID-19 childcare crisis: $3333 dollars a month to anyone who takes care of a child at home for the next year

A solution to the current COVID-19 childcare crisis: $3333 dollars a month to anyone who takes care of a child at home for the next year

336,000+ Early Education and Care Workers Lost Their Job In April

336,000+ Early Education and Care Workers Lost Their Job In April