Ideas and Innovations In Early Childhood Education

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Kindergartner Pays Off Classmate’s Lunch Debt by Selling Bike He Stole from Local Park

When Kindergarten student Spiro Kalogeropoulos was playing during his minute-long recess break at Agatha Trunchbull Memorial Elementary School, he heard something that made him sad. His best friend Aaron Zupcic was deep in lunch debt. Aaron is raised by his single mom Anna who recently lost her job at Amazon when they replaced her delivery driver job with an autonomous driving truck. She had hoped to qualify for free school lunch for Aaron and filled out all the paperwork to get it; however, there was a backlog of processing the school lunch applications because Rose Pavano who processed free lunch applications had been fired earlier in the year by the city in order to give Amazon a tax break incentive to store their autonomous driving vehicles at the city bus depot that was recently privatized. Aaron explained to Spiro, that due to his debt, he was now only allowed get the bare minimum of food from the school which consisted of frozen spoiled Trump Steaks that were left over when the product failed in 2007. President Trump with the help of his Education Secretary Betsey DeVos had arranged for the Department of Education to buy all the left-over Trump Steaks that were sitting in a basement warehouse in New Jersey the past 13 years. However, Aaron was not allowed to have any luxuries like fruits, vegetables, milk, or snacks at lunch due to his 50-dollar lunch debt. Spiros hated seeing his friend sad every lunch and during the daily minute long recess time. Later, Spiros was able to solve the problem.

Spiros was walking home from school one day when he noticed a nice unlocked orange BMX bike at the park. Spiros sprang into action with a plan to help his friend; Spiros stole that bike and brought it to his uncle George Papadopoulos who owned Ambrosia Breakfast Diner. Uncle George also sold stolen goods from Ambrosia Breakfast Diner’s backroom. He was able to sell the stolen orange BMX bike for $250 dollars to a local teen. Spiro then asked his Uncle George for his $50 commission for bringing the stolen bike and his uncle happily obliged. Spiro brought in the money the next day and paid off his friend Aaron’s lunch debt and Aaron was finally able to eat real food again.

However, authorities soon found out about Sprios’ bike theft and he is now being held in the newly built Preschool to Prison Pipeline Youth Detention Center funded by a grant from the Walton Family Foundation. On a positive happy note, Netflix has reached out to the Kalogeropoulos family and is looking to buy the rights to Sprios’ story with a digitally de-aged Haley Joel Osment being cast in the lead role.

In an unrelated story, teenager Ellis Greenwell was runover by an autonomous Amazon Truck and suffered many broken bones and injuries while he was riding on an Orange BMX bike on Main Street; The Amazon Truck hit Ellis when a bike lane ended without warning. Amazon will not be charged by authorities for their truck running over Ellis Greenwell but a Go Fund Me has been set up to help cover Ellis Greenwell’s medical bills.