Watertown Public Schools Proudly Presents  Helping Your Kids Be All That They Can Be: Using a Positive, Strength-Based Approach for Effective Parenting

Watertown Public Schools Proudly Presents Helping Your Kids Be All That They Can Be: Using a Positive, Strength-Based Approach for Effective Parenting

Watertown Public School put out the following press release on their Facebook Page recently

“The Watertown Public Schools Proudly Presents

Helping Your Kids Be All That They Can Be: Using a Positive, Strength-Based Approach for Effective Parenting

~ A Free Presentation for All Watertown Parents and Caregivers ~

Monday, February 24, 2020
6:00-8:00 pm- WMS Auditorium

When parents focus on what their children do right,
cultivate their children's strengths, and accept their
kids for who they are, children mature and truly
become all that they can be! Charlie Appelstein, author
of No Such Thing as a Bad Kid, will present a host of
strength-based principles that help parents maximize
the greatness that exists in every child. Topics will
include effective verbal interventions, strategies for
enhancing self-esteem, respectful limit-setting and why
it is important to use consequences vs. punishments as
well as techniques for helping parents manage their
own emotions and responses. Charlie delivers his
strength-based approach with humor and hope.”

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Purposeful Parenting Workshop Being Offered At Bournedale Elementary

Videos From Center for Early Childhood Education at Eastern Connecticut State University Are A Great Resource For Early Childhood Educators

Videos From Center for Early Childhood Education at Eastern Connecticut State University Are A Great Resource For Early Childhood Educators