Young Children Can Help Build Their Own Room

Young Children Can Help Build Their Own Room

Children enjoy learning about the tasks that adults do. To a young child, activities that may seem like chores such as helping cooking the dinner or doing the laundry can be a fun activity that lets them bond with a trusted adult while learning.

Similarly, children love assisting with construction projects. For instance, a while back we got a new shelf in our classroom. We made it an activity where the children could assist with putting it together and they were fully engaged in the process and enthralled to see it all come together. Under proper close  supervision, children can use a hammer, follow instructions, and learn how to put something together. Moreover, being able to use a finished product they helped put together instills pride in the children of their own work and ownership over their classroom. Whether it is at school or at home, having young children help with small projects is a way for them to gain skills, confidence, and feel connected to the adults in their lives.

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