Ideas and Innovations In Early Childhood Education

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5 New Year’s Resolutions For Early Childhood Education and Care

1. More early educators should become writers and researchers. I don’t mean every preschool teacher should try to get published in a journal, but early educators are conducting field work research every day we are in the classroom and we should share our knowledge by writing articles, creating podcasts, YouTube videos, writing books, at conferences, Twitter/Facebook posts, and yes writing for peer reviewed journals.

2. Bring greater unity between Center Based Programs and Home Based Programs. There is still too much of a divide between center and home based programs which hurts our field’s collective strength. We should work as a field to bridge those divides.

3. Run attack advertisement. We should single our politicians who don’t support ECE and actively criticize them for it

4. Create a career leader where there are more designations besides teacher and director such as “coach”, “mentor teacher” and “certified consultant”

5. Fill our classrooms with new books from  young diverse authors that feature characters and plot lines that reflect children’s lives in these times. I am not saying we should stop reading Dr Seuss, Arnold Lobel and Eric Carle  but that we should also be reading a lot of JiHyeon Lee, Gaia Cornwall, and Matt de la Pena

Do you have ECE resolutions you want to share? Contact me and you can write your own post: